Dec 19 Game Play, News (Grey Highlands Shooting Stars)

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Dec 18, 2020 | sstreasurer | 1268 views
Dec 19 Game Play
Schedule for this Saturday

Games are as follows:
12:10 Team 3 vs Team 2
12:50 Team 2 vs Team 1
1:45 Team 3 vs Team 1 (Game time adjusted due to flood between the second and third period in game 2)
Parents schedule is as follows
Game 1 - Team 3 parents 
Game 2 - Team 2 parents
Game 3 - Team 1 parents

Once your game is over please leave the facility so that we are able to allow the new group in. We will then know how many extra people we may be able to allow in.

You must follow all protocols - mask at all times, hand sanitize at entry and exit points, sign in/screen with Shooting Stars staff to provide contact tracing for both Grey Highlands Municipality and OWHA, maintain a distance of 6 feet from those not in your household. 